My Greatest Lesson of 2020

Hey Family, 

Haaaaaaapppy New Year. I AM SOOOOOO glad that it’s a brand new year…

I don’t know about you, but …. 2020 was the longest year of my life. Not in the typical way you may think. When the world began to shut down due to COVID-19, I wasn’t mad like most people were. In fact, I was ecstatic. Up until that time, I had been burning the candle at both ends trying to be that superwoman. Kids, working long hours, conducting workshops and constantly on the go. I was burnt out by March and had been praying for a needed extra vacation and the well deserved break that I so desperately wanted. Who knew that it would actually come true! 

You remember how it felt? Staying home felt nice and relaxing. I gardened, slept in, ate properly (which I never do well), spent quality time with my kids and felt really refreshed - or so I thought. Then, the restrictions of the lockdown became real. 

Now, we get to the good part. I was now stuck at home. Nowhere to go, nothing more to do. You see...up until that moment, I never stopped moving. I just filled my time with more things but at a slower and methodical pace. BUT... when I ran out of things to do, I then realized that I had NOTHING. ZERO, NADA. My once welcomed quiet and safe space which was my home became four walls that felt as if they were closing in. Everything in its silence became deafening. Not noise from music, or my kids, but a loud noise that I had been ignoring in my head. 

The noise became so loud, that it kept me awake at night, when the world was most quiet. It also woke me up when I was getting that sweet sleep. You ever had that happen to you? What a waste of good sleep LOL. Sigh...when it got to that point, I had no choice but to be still and listen. I was forced, like many, to have to really look myself in the mirror and look at the woman in the mirror. I often tell a story of the day I had to reclaim my life. 

I was doing my regular household chores and began working on cleaning my washroom. I was scrubbing the bathtub and saw a shadow out the corner of my eye as I stood up. Out of fear, I ran out the washroom thinking that my kids were trying to play a trick on me. Once I affirmed they were nowhere to be found, I went back in to finish the job only to see that same shadow, except this time I stopped with the mop in hand and faced the shadow. To my shock.. Dun dun dunnnnn… it was me! It was someone that I didn’t recognize. I didn’t remember seeing her with that vacancy and seeing the tiredness in her eyes.

At that very moment, I decided to RECLAIM MY LIFE. I spent the remainder of 2020 getting to know ME. I did a 30- Day challenge called Purify My Life and reset my mind, body and soul. I did 30 days of spiritual cleansing, changed my diet ,exercised and practiced gratitude. This was the greatest lesson of 2020. I was reminded that in chaos, there is a lesson to be learned. Since then, I’ve realized that I still have a lot of work to do in order to become the best version of myself and I gladly welcome it. Are you ready to join me? 2021 is the year to RECLAIM YOUR LIFE!


Flying Free